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Pyrin can decelerate down or stop the inflammation. Notwithstanding, it can not work duly and control inflammation when MEFV gene is fluctuated. In this case, cases can have pricks, skin brightness and fever. 

 How to be FMF carrier? 

 Domestic Mediterranean Fever can be seen more in some ethnical groups which have Mediterranean originsuch as Greeks, Hispanics, Arabians, Armenians, and Italians. One in every 200 persons with Mediterranean origin is an FMF carrier. Yet, there can be carriers in other ethnical groups. FMF is more common among men than women. ( Either, in Turkey, it's more common in Central Anatolia Region.) Carriers are normally the parents. Each abnormal dummy of MEFV gene are taken from both mama and father. It means the carriers are mammies and fathers with fluctuated MEFV genes. 

 Domestic Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is a heritable complaint which is caused by mutation of MEFV gene. It's transferred by parents to baby. Entities whose parents are complaint carriers have a minimum of 25 imminence to have this complaint. FMF isn't specific to an ethnical group; notwithstanding, it's defined as related to Mediterranean region. Its typical symptoms are boosting fever with shivering, exquisite joint pain in knees and ankles, bellyache and box pains. One or another symptoms can be knew. The complaint doesn't have a certain treatment. Normally, Colchicine is defined as medicament. Life style changes, a regular and balanced diet and physical exercises are benignant to remove symptoms. Attacks can continue with intervals, and case may have to use Colchicine for life time. 

Familial Mediterranean Fever is a hereditary disease which is characterized by inflamed pains and recurrent fever attacks. Sometimes, headaches and skin redness can be seen, too. First attacks are mostly seen in childhood or adolescence, and it is mostly seen in people with Mediterranean or Middle East origin. Attacks can take 12 hours, and even 72 hours in some cases. Next attack can be seen after years; if not treated may cause serious complications. Mostly, patients do not have recognizable symptoms. FMF can cause inflammation such as heart, meninges, and testicles in men.

Causes of Household Mediterranean Fever 

 Familial Mediterranean Fever is caused by a gene mutation which is transferred from parents to children. This gene mutation creates problems in regulating inflammation in the body. In people with FMF, mutation occurs in MEFV gene which is responsible for controlling pyrin. Pyrin is a protein located in white blood cells, and it regulates inflammation. When invulnerable system begins transferring signals about the illness to white blood cells and scraps, inflammation mornings. 

 Pyrin can decelerate down or stop the inflammation. Notwithstanding, it can not work duly and control inflammation when MEFV gene is fluctuated. In this case, cases can have pricks, skin brightness and fever. 


Pyrin can decelerate down or stop the inflammation. Notwithstanding, it can not work duly and control inflammation when MEFV gene is fluctuated. In this case, cases can have pricks, skin brightness and fever. 


 How to be FMF carrier? 

 Domestic Mediterranean Fever can be seen more in some ethnical groups which have Mediterranean originsuch as Greeks, Hispanics, Arabians, Armenians, and Italians. One in every 200 persons with Mediterranean origin is an FMF carrier. Yet, there can be carriers in other ethnical groups. FMF is more common among men than women. ( Either, in Turkey, it's more common in Central Anatolia Region.) Carriers are normally the parents. Each abnormal dummy of MEFV gene are taken from both mama and father. It means the carriers are mammies and fathers with fluctuated MEFV genes. 

In case of that parents are carriers, child can have thedisease.However, with a 25 possibility, in-law would have the disorder, If a child has the disorder and both parents are carriers. In case of that child and only one parent are carriers, the in-law would also be a carrier with a 50 possibility. Scientists are searching for the modes of transmission because 30 of FMF cases have either only one abnormal gene or no abnormal gene at all. It means that disorder has a inborn foundation, but still, it can be seen in people with no inborn abnormality. 

Symptoms of Household Mediterranean Fever 
 Stomachache caused by inflammation of peryton 
 Frequent muscle pains (myalgia) 
 Constipation and diarrhea. In some cases, diarrhea following to constipation. 
 High feverthat can run up to 40 degrees of Celsius 
 Arthritis followed by pain in knees, ankles or fashionableness joints 
. Severe caddy painfelt while breathing. This is present in another than half of the attacks. Pericarditiscan cause caddy pains. 
 Communal knot as a natural result of arthritis 
 Knot of ovary in womenand testicles in men 
 Stones seen much asred, hot and headlong in lower legs 
. Vasculitis caused by inflammation of blood vessels. 
 Rarely, Behçet’s Disease can show comorbidity to vasculitis.

Symptoms normally start to be seen in springtime or nonage. Not all symptoms defined as attacks have to be present in one attack. Cases normally feel normal between the attacks. Attacks can generate serious problems and complications. Some common complications are abnormal protein cumulus causing organ damage, nature damage reacting in nature failure, and begetting in women. For women, swelling of ovaries causes begetting. Also, Amyloid A cumulus in blood can damage to natures. 

 Resolution of Household Mediterranean Fever 
 In process of diagnosing FMF, you can be asked questions about the medical history of your family and symptoms related to FMF attacks. Fever attacks seen with arthritis make easier to diagnose case with FMF. Also, some tests would be wanted. 
Domestic Mediterranean Fever (FMF) Tests 
 DNA Analysis 
 Some heritable tests are used for FMF decision. DNA analysis is used to determine possible abnormalities in MEFV genes. Getting negative results from these analyses doesn't mean that you don't carry the complication. In other words, yea if your MEFV genes are normal, you can still have FMF. So, other tests are also used to make a clear decision. 


 Your croaker can also look for some tickets of amyloidosis by using rectum, stripe, duodenal, and minor salivary gland dissections. Amyloidosis is a protein which is produced more during FMF and not dissolved in water. 

  Good response to Colchicine 

Colchicine is a medicament which is used to treat gout, FMF and Behçet’s Disease. It's given to the case for distinct purposes during 3 to 6months.However, FMF conclusion becomes another possible, If cases’ pain and fever attacks reduce with the medicament. 

  Blood count 

 Blood count is used to measure C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and serum amyloid Awhich all increase during the attacks. C-reactive is a protein boosting during acute incendiary attacks and produced by liver. Either, imaging of stomach, heart, lung and scrotum can be claimed to bar the other possible complaints. 

 Treatment of Domestic Mediterranean Fever 

 FMF has no certain treatment. Notwithstanding, its symptoms and complications can be controlled thanks to some treatment manners. Generally, defined medicinals are used for treatment. Medicinals can vary depending on the inflexibility of complication. 

Colchicine treatment 

 Colchicine helps reducing the inflammation and precluding painful attacks, and it's used in tablet form. It's normally specified for mild and moderate inveterate attacks since it may not be sufficient for severe acute attacks. When used regularly, Colchicine prevents amyloidosis. It can be safely used by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding 

Notwithstanding, if women stop taking it during gravidity, they may have attacks, and these attacks rises the possibility of parturition. So, Colchicine should be used according to the defined cure during gestation. 2 or 3 tablets are taken per day with certain time intervals. Only your croaker can determine the cure you need to have. Colchicine has some side goods like abdominal cramps, muscle pains, diarrhea and knot. These side goods can evanesce if cure is reduced. Notwithstanding, you shouldn't reduce the cure by yourself; you must consult your croaker first. 

When you forget taking Colchicine, it may effect you to have attacks. In order not to pass this, you should be sure that you take all your medicines on the sufficientdose.However, you should take your medicine in your bag or handbag with you wherever you go, If necessitated. 

Treatment with other specifics 

 For the cases who don't respond to the Colchicine treatment, specifics used to repress protein Interleukin-1are specified. These specifics normally tally Ilaris, Arcalyst and Kineret. Non-steroidalanti-inflammatory specifics (NSAIDs) can treat severe and strong acute attacks. Active members of NSAIDs are normally paracetamol and dipyronewhich stop pain. In cases of progression of FMF and so, variety failure, cases may need to have variety transplantation. 

 What to do in Mediterranean Fever attacks ?

 When the collywobbles gets severe, you can rub your gut with some paintings. You can put hot water bagon your gut to reduce the pain. You can drink scholar or chamomile teato get relaxed, and if you're working, you can have a pause and a rest. You can feel much better by having a bed rest for a couple of days. Drinking cornucopia of water would help you reduce inflammation. When you get fever, you can put your basements into salty warm waterfor 15-20 flashes. This may also help you get relaxed. 

 Notwithstanding, you should be apprehensive of that these forms can make you relaxed only for short time ages. For a treatment, you should clearly see a croaker and use drugs regularly as they define. You can control your attacks by using defined NSAIDs which are useful to stop pain, reduce fever and inflammation. You should use your NSAIDs especially when you have severe acute attacks. 

 Is Mediterranean Fever fatal ?

 Mediterranean Fever is a treatable ailment, yet it can lead to fatal results. Being late on diagnosing and treatment can bring prognosing of description failure, and this can bring death especially in children. By using drug, you can forestall description failure. So, if you have intermittent symptoms as high fever, bellyache, box and muscle pain, you incontinently need to see a croaker. 


In which department are FMF cases seen ?

 Since FMF is characterized by arthritis, normally rheumatology departmentsdiagnose this malady. Nephrologyplays task in cases of stripe failures, and medical geneticscan diagnose by using inherited tests. Further, with the cooperation of child rheumatology, physical remedy and rehab, FMF can be treated. 

A couple of herbal remedy methods can be used to reduce symptoms. However, we strongly  suggest you to consult your doctor before trying these methods.

 Celery and spinach cure

Take 150 grams celery and spinach, and clean them well. Slice the celery and boil it in 2 glasses of water for 10 minutes. Then, slice the spinach and add them to the pot. Boil them for 5 more minutes, and then take them. When cure gets warm, consume it 3 times a day as in morning, afternoon and evening.

Apple cider vinegar and dry fig cure

Halve a dry fig and add them to a glass of apple cider vinegar. Wait for one night. Next morning, eat the fig which waited in cider vinegar when you are hungry. Repeat this procedure for 15 days. Each time you prepare the cure, renew the vinegar

Suggestions for FMF patients

Avoid caffeinated drinks as black tea, coke or coffee.

.Avoid fat red meat and fried food; have plenty of vegetablesin your diet instead

Avoid food which are difficult to digestsuch as desserts, potato or bakery in evenings. Otherwise, your digestive system can be affected negatively..Limit your processed food consumption such as salami and .sausage

Stop smoking and using alcohol

Drink at least 2 liters of waterper day

Walk for 30 minutes, at least 3 days in a week. By doing this, you can reduce your stomachache, joint and chest pains.

.Avoid cold and windy weather since they can trigger arthritis and make pain worse.

Try to have a regular and balanced diet..Do physical exerciseslike aerobic, fitness or pilates regularly

.Use your prescribed medications

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